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40221 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 17160-0
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High-quality secondary aggregates, recycled aggregates and sustainable waste solutions rx_sol_image_ueber_alle_EN_04.jpg

Optimum management of mineral raw materials

Secondary aggregates such as bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration processes or recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste are sustainable and economical alternatives for use in the construction sector. In Germany, they cover more than 12 % of the total annual demand for aggregates. Our brands GRANOVA and REMEXIT contribute to conserving primary raw material. In the field of mineral waste management, our PP-LANDFILL and TS-RECOVERY services are a benchmark for future-oriented disposal solutions and ecologically sound recycling methods.

GRANOVA incinerator bottom ash

GRANOVA ist Ersatzbaustoff aus Hausmüllverbrennungsasche

GRANOVA is a substitute construction material made of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash; it can be used in earthworks, road construction, noise barriers or dams, landfill construction or in concrete products

The thermal treatment of municipal solid waste generates energy and reduces waste volumes. The remaining incinerator bottom ash (IBA) from Waste-to-Energy plants is processed by classifying the mineral fraction, and separating ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as unburnt impurities. After processing, the municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash aggregate can be utilised as secondary construction material. The main areas of application for GRANOVA are road construction, earthworks and landfill construction. In the Netherlands, GRANOVA is also being utilised in concrete products. more 

REMEXIT recycled aggregates

Recycled aggregates such as REMEXIT are made from construction and demolition waste; due to the materials high technical performance the areas of application are various

During the redevelopment and renovation, construction or demolition of buildings and other structures, mineral waste substances remain in the form of construction and demolition waste (CDM waste). Following the processing of such construction waste – which includes includes sorting, screening, crushing, removal of metals and organic components – the resulting aggregates are classified as recycled aggregates. GRANOVA and REMEXIT belong to the secondary aggregates or substitute construction material classifications. They can partially replace primary construction materials such as gravel, sand, basalt or limestone and thus contribute to the conservation of natural resources. more

PP-LANDFILL cooperation model

Creating landfill capacities with REMEX concept pp.landfill

The cooperation model PP-LANDFILL – public private landfill – is also often referred to as prepaid landfill

When new landfill capacities are required, the question of implementation arises. One possibility is the pp.landfill model as a cooperation model between public and private partners. We also refer to the model as 'pre-paid landfill' because, as a private partner, we provide the financial investments. REMEX assumes the costs and long-term financial risk associated with the construction, operation, decommissioning and aftercare of a landfill site – and in return markets a contractually regulated landfill volume. The PP-LANDFILL model is an effective way to avoid landfill deficiencies while at the same time supporting municipal independence. The municipality remains the responsible landfill operator and can continue to dispose of its own waste, thus ensuring sufficient landfill capacity and stable fees. more

TS-RECOVERY for road rubble with tar

Road rubble which is contaminated with tar is more and more often not reused in road construction; use in landfill construction or thermal recycling are ecological alternatives

In the course of road modernisation or the reconstruction and renewal of roads, demolition waste is created, which can be contaminated with hazardous components such as tar. In some cases, this road demolition material can be reutilised in road construction as a bound base layer. But this possibility is increasingly excluded in public tenders. Under the name TS-RECOVERY, we market our solutions for the most economical and ecologically viable handling of road demolition waste containing tar. In addition to conventional disposal and recycling channels, this also includes thermal treatment. more

REMEX GmbH // Section REMEX Solutions