Good service begins with the very first contact

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Am Fallhammer 1
40221 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 17160-0
F +49 211 17160-420

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Further information and publications

We are pleased to offer our products and services to the general public. Brochures, reports and documentation can be downloaded here.

Brochures REMEX Solutions

GRANOVA incinerator bottom ash

PDF (german)
PDF (english)

REMEXIT recycled aggregates

PDF (german)
PDF (english)

PP-LANDFILL cooperation model

PDF (german)
PDF (english)

TS-RECOVERY for road rubble

PDF (german)
PDF (english)

Find out more about the business areas and the range of services offered by the REMEX Group in our company brochures

The REMEX channel

Videos of our facilities, process descriptions, 3D views and interviews can be found on our channel.

REMEX GmbH // Section REMEX Solutions