GRANOVA: Secondary aggregates
Recycled bottom ash from waste incineration
Am Fallhammer 1
40221 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 17160-0
F +49 211 17160-420
REMEX Solutions stand for special secondary building materials and service concepts relating to mineral waste from industrial processes, construction or energy-from-waste plants. Our portfolio includes the secondary aggregates GRANOVA, recycled aggregates REMEXIT as well as the services TS-RECOVERY for road rubble containing tar and PP-LANDFILL for the financially viable management of landfills.
REMEX, its subsidiaries and associated companies specialise in recycling and waste disposal services. Our core competencies include treatment, recycling and disposal of all kinds of mineral waste including ash, slag or filter dust from industrial production, power stations or waste incineration plants as well as soil and construction waste from road and civil engineering works or from the demolition of old buildings.
The professional handling of mineral waste and utilisation of secondary aggregates is subject to numerous ecological and technical regulations. For the German market we have developed appropriate operational guidelines to facilitate the day-to-day management, recycling and reuse of mineral waste.